Spring Playtester Applications Open

To fully test Episode 2's in-progress material before its public launch later in the spring/summer, I am expanding Wayfarer’s playtester team. If this is of interest to you, please check out the information below.

What Does Playtesting Entail?

Playtesters play the alpha build in search of bugs, continuity errors, and typos. They are essentially an extra set of eyes on the game before new content goes for public release.

Because Wayfarer’s gameplay includes hundreds of choices and many, many variations that build on each other, playing multiple times and checking out different options is essential for testing to make sure each area of the game functions as intended.

The Details

  • You must be 18+.
  • Playtesting is a volunteer position.
  • You will be credited in-game as a playtester (this is opt-in).
  • All communication with the playtesting team is done through the private playtester-only section of Wayfarer's Discord server. You must be willing to be active in that part of the server and submit your bug reports through the designated channels. I do not accept playtester bug reports through any other method. If you are not active, you will be removed from the playtester role.
  • You must keep the playtester build link and password private. As a playtester, you are trusted not to share the alpha build's content.
  • If at any point you are no longer interested or do not have the time to be involved, you can opt out, no questions asked!

This round of playtesting will be for Episode 2. You must be available to playtest during May, June, and possibly July 2022.

In addition, I am looking for a few playtesters who are willing to playtest with less popular MC configurations, including:

  • Male MCs
  • MCs who use custom pronouns
  • Dwarven MCs
  • Child of the Fields & Child of the City origins
  • Rindan Cenric as your mentor

Application Form

Your answers on the application form are kept strictly confidential.

The form is open until April 30, 2022. I will contact chosen playtesters via email by May 7, 2022.

Apply here!

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